Vesna Krstich

Ves­na Krstich is an art crit­ic, cura­tor, and art his­to­ri­an who teach­es Visu­al Arts and The­o­ry of Knowl­edge at Upper Cana­da Col­lege in Toron­to. Her research explores the inter­re­la­tion­ship between per­for­mance-based prac­tices and exper­i­men­tal ped­a­gogy from the 1960s onwards. She holds an MA in Art Edu­ca­tion from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty and an MA in the His­to­ry of Art from the Cour­tauld Insti­tute of Art, where she spe­cial­ized in Con­tem­po­rary Art. In 2013 she devel­oped a cura­to­r­i­al res­i­den­cy enti­tled Back to School at Gallery TPW in Toron­to, which sought to exam­ine per­for­mance instruc­tions or ‘scores’ as cur­ricu­lum mate­r­i­al through a pro­gram of work­shops, screen­ings, and artist talks. As a col­lab­o­ra­tor on The Ped­a­gog­i­cal Impulse project, she con­tin­ues her archival inves­ti­ga­tion into the his­to­ries of Fluxus and Hap­pen­ings and cur­ricu­lum reform. Krstich has received research grants from the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts, Ontario Arts Coun­cil and the Toron­to Arts Coun­cil. She has pub­lished in C Mag­a­zine, Art Papers, Para­chute, Cana­di­an Art, and Cura­tor: The Muse­um Jour­nal, among oth­ers. Her recent pub­li­ca­tion, “Mul­ti­ple Ele­men­tary, Mul­ti­ple Left­overs, Mul­ti­ple Learn­ing” appears in a crit­i­cal anthol­o­gy of texts edit­ed by Helen Reed and Han­nah Jick­ling, and joint­ly pub­lished by YYZ (Toron­to) and Black Dog (UK) in 2017.