Hazel Meyer


Hazel Mey­er is an artist and sports enthu­si­ast based in Toron­to, Cana­da. Com­mit­ted to both a social­ly engaged and mate­r­i­al-based prac­tice she nego­ti­ates these pri­mar­i­ly through cre­at­ing instal­la­tions that become envi­ron­ments for per­for­mance, work­shops and ama­teur ath­let­ics. She has a BFA from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty in Mon­tre­al, an MFA from OCAD Uni­ver­si­ty in Toron­to. Recent exhi­bi­tions include Shclaegermusik, with Annes­ley Black for Zukun­ftsmusik in Stuttgart, Walls to the Ball, at Struts Gallery in Sackville and Peter­bor­ough and All Hands on the Archive: An Audi­ence of Enablers Can­not Fail, with Logan McDon­ald at F.A.G. in Toron­to. Upcom­ing projects involve tak­ing Walls to the Ball to St. John’s and Saska­toon, exhibit­ing What I talk About When I Talk About Weav­ing at WARC, Toron­to and a forth­com­ing graph­ic nov­el Pat­tern Slan­der: A Semi­au­to­bi­o­graph­i­cal account of dis­ease, shit and repeat-pat­terns.

Hazel’s web­site is www.hazelmeyer.com
