Shannon Gerard

Shannon Gerard
Shan­non Ger­ard works across a vari­ety of media. She writes and draws
books, cro­chets soft sculp­tures, makes prints, and pro­duces large-scale
instal­la­tions that incor­po­rate stop-motion ani­ma­tion and wheatpaste.
Employ­ing play as a research strat­e­gy, her work with the Carl Wagan
Book­mo­bile empha­sizes the mate­ri­als and ethos of inde­pen­dent publishing
as social-polit­i­cal engage­ments. Shan­non is also pro­vid­ing lead­er­ship to
OCAD Uni­ver­si­ty’s new cur­ric­u­lar stream in Pub­li­ca­tions. More info at