Project Description

Supporting Queer and Trans students thumbnail
Making and Being Cards thumbnail
Phone Sculptures thumbnail
Josh MacPhee, <em> Celebrate People's History  </em> thumbnail
Celebrate peoples history thumbnail
Peoples Microphony songbook thumbnail
Activist Love Letters thumbnail
CWC (2 of 10) thumbnail
People's Kitchen Collective, Kitchen Remedies thumbnail
Alexa Hatanaka, <em> Cut & Paste </em> thumbnail
PA System, <em> Future Snowmachines in Kinngait (Process Book) & Resolution thumbnail
Helen Reed and Hannah Jickling, Tacky Forms thumbnail
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, <em> An Empty Shell </em> thumbnail
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, <em> Class Feedback  </em> thumbnail
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, <em> Museum Without Entrance  </em> thumbnail
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, <em> Listening Exercise  </em> thumbnail
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, <em> Listening Exercise  </em> thumbnail
Tania Willards, BUSH Gallery Manifesto thumbnail
Mare Liberum,  <em> Liberum Dory, Radical Seafaring Broadsheet, Liberum Kayak </em> thumbnail
Anthea Black and Shamina Chherawa, HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education
Susan Jahoda and Caroline Woolard of BFAMFAPhD, Making and Being Cards
Jen Delos Reyes, Phone Sculptures
Josh MacPhee, Celebrate People's History
Josh MacPhee, Celebrate People's History
Alana Mann, The People's Microphony Songbook
Syrus Marcus Ware, Activist Love Letters
Shannon Gerard with Pressing Issues Students, Counter with Care Poster Series
People's Kitchen Collective, Kitchen Remedies
Alexa Hatanaka, Cut & Paste
PA System, Future Snowmachines in Kinngait (Process Book) & Resolution
Helen Reed and Hannah Jickling, Tacky Forms
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, An Empty Shell
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, Class Feedback
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, Museum Without Entrance
Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, Listening Exercise
Anthea Black, Keep Queering the Syllabus
Tania Willards, BUSH Gallery Manifesto
Mare Liberum, Liberum Dory, Radical Seafaring Broadsheet, Liberum Kayak

Anthea Black and Sham­i­na Chher­awa, HANDBOOK: Sup­port­ing Queer and Trans Stu­dents in Art and Design Education 

Susan Jaho­da and Car­o­line Woolard of BFAM­FAPhD, Mak­ing and Being Cards 

Jen Delos Reyes, Phone Sculptures 

Josh MacPhee, Cel­e­brate Peo­ple’s History 

Josh MacPhee, Cel­e­brate Peo­ple’s History 

Alana Mann, The Peo­ple’s Micropho­ny Songbook 

Syrus Mar­cus Ware, Activist Love Letters 

Shan­non Ger­ard with Press­ing Issues Stu­dents, Counter with Care Poster Series 

Peo­ple’s Kitchen Col­lec­tive, Kitchen Remedies 

Alexa Hatana­ka, Cut & Paste 

PA Sys­tem, Future Snow­ma­chines in Kin­ngait (Process Book) & Resolution 

Helen Reed and Han­nah Jick­ling, Tacky Forms 

Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, An Emp­ty Shell 

Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, Class Feedback 

Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, Muse­um With­out Entrance 

Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, Lis­ten­ing Exercise 

Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, Lis­ten­ing Exercise 

Tania Willards, BUSH Gallery Manifesto 

Mare Liberum, Liberum Dory, Rad­i­cal Sea­far­ing Broad­sheet, Liberum Kayak 

Instant Class Kit is a portable cur­ricu­lum guide and pop-up exhi­bi­tion ded­i­cat­ed to social­ly-engaged art as ped­a­gogy. Pro­duced as an edi­tion of four, the kit brings togeth­er con­tem­po­rary cur­ricu­lum mate­ri­als in the form of artist mul­ti­ples such as zines, scores, games, news­pa­pers and oth­er sen­so­ry objects from a diverse group of artist-edu­ca­tors across North Amer­i­ca. Instant Class Kit is close­ly mod­elled on the mul­ti-sen­so­ry and open-end­ed strate­gies of Fluxk­its, as well as hands-on learn­ing kits com­mon­ly used in K‑12 edu­ca­tion. Com­bin­ing these influ­ences, Instant Class Kit offers an inter­ac­tive and spec­u­la­tive approach to teach­ing that is par­tic­i­pa­to­ry, col­lab­o­ra­tive, and social jus­tice oriented.

Instant Class Kit was con­ceived in response to art his­tor­i­cal research under­tak­en as part of The Ped­a­gog­i­cal Impulse, a research-cre­ation project explor­ing con­tem­po­rary art as ped­a­gogy in schools. This research exam­ined the exper­i­men­tal col­lab­o­ra­tive prac­tices of Fluxus, Hap­pen­ings, and oth­er artist-teach­ers employed at art insti­tu­tions across Cana­da and the US dur­ing the 1960s. Against the back­drop of cur­ricu­lum reforms, and social and polit­i­cal change, these artist-teach­ers pro­duced and dis­trib­uted print­ed mat­ter and oth­er mul­ti­ples (such as posters, book­lets and games) as doc­u­ments of rad­i­cal ped­a­gogy. In recent years, there has been renewed inter­est in col­lect­ing, reprint­ing, and reac­ti­vat­ing these obscure projects, and in reap­prais­ing the mer­its of Fluxus-based ped­a­gogy for education.

Four­teen con­tem­po­rary artists have con­tributed to Instant Class Kit. The con­tem­po­rary artists strive to deliv­er a cur­ricu­lum based on the val­ues of crit­i­cal demo­c­ra­t­ic ped­a­gogy, anti-racist and anti-colo­nial log­ics, and social jus­tice, as well as con­tin­u­ing the exper­i­men­tal and inven­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion that defined Fluxus. The lessons, syl­labi and class­room activ­i­ties pro­duced by this new gen­er­a­tion of artists address top­ics and method­olo­gies includ­ing queer sub­jec­tiv­i­ties and Indige­nous epis­te­molo­gies, social move­ments and col­lec­tive protest, immi­gra­tion, tech­nol­o­gy, and ecol­o­gy. Along­side the rise of dig­i­tal cul­ture and online plat­forms for com­mu­ni­cat­ing and work­ing, mul­ti­ples, print­ed edi­tions and oth­er types of instruc­tion­al ephemera con­tin­ue to be impor­tant strate­gies for con­tem­po­rary artists engaged in social prac­tice and pedagogy.

The artis­tic works in the kit await acti­va­tion. Instant Class Kit is intend­ed for K‑12 and uni­ver­si­ty-lev­el art stu­dents and teach­ers, as well as cura­tors, activists, com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers, and oth­ers inter­est­ed in social­ly-engaged art prac­tices and ped­a­gogy. Open­ing the kit for the first time becomes a learn­ing chal­lenge unto itself, as par­tic­i­pants decide how to inter­pret, acti­vate and respond to the instruc­tion­al works, each depen­dent on time, space, and con­text. In the tra­di­tion of mail art, the kit will trav­el to dif­fer­ent acti­va­tors who will doc­u­ment and share their expe­ri­ences and find­ings on The Ped­a­gog­i­cal Impulse web­site as a series of online exhibitions.

Instant Class Kit is curat­ed by Ves­na Krstich and orga­nized by Stephanie Spring­gay as part of The Ped­a­gog­i­cal Impulse.

Kit Con­trib­u­tors: Elana Mann, Anthea Black, People’s Kitchen Col­lec­tive (Sita Bhau­mik, Joce­lyn Jack­son, Saqib Keval), Jen Delos Reyes, Josh MacPhee, BFAMFAPHD (Car­o­line Woolard and Susan Jaho­da), Mare Liberum, Rodri­go Her­nan­dez-Gomez, Helen Reed and Han­nah Jick­ling, Tania Willard, Syrus Mar­cus Ware, Shan­non Ger­ard (with Press­ing Issues stu­dents: Mad­die Belli­no, Leah Benet­ti, Geryl Cabr­era, Rocio Car­doso, Angel­i­ca Grana­dos Lopez, Riel Hat­tori-Caspi, Megan Moore, Cleo Peter­son, Celi­na Sieh, Fran­cis Tomkins, Rebec­ca Vaugh­an, Regi­na Xiao, Dana Zamzul and artist-researcher Andrea Vela Alar­con), and PA Sys­tem (Alexa Hatana­ka and Patrick Thompson).