Extra Curricular Curriculum Vitae

Extra Cur­ric­u­lar Cur­ricu­lum Vitae was an instal­la­tion and series of slideshows fea­tur­ing dis­cards and detri­tus from the Ontario Insti­tute for Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion (OISE) base­ment. The project was the cul­mi­na­tion of an artis­tic inter­ven­tion by Han­nah Jick­ling and Helen Reed with­in the teacher edu­ca­tion pro­gram at OISE and pro­duced in con­junc­tion with the Junior/Intermediate Visu­al Arts Cur­ricu­lum and Instruc­tion course.

Teacher can­di­dates drew on the edu­ca­tion­al archive and “the course of their lives” to illus­trate an inci­den­tal cur­ricu­lum through per­for­ma­tive lec­tures. Top­ics includ­ed: the impor­tance of shoes, expe­ri­enc­ing aller­gies to par­ents, bath­room anx­i­ety and learn­ing through the nose.

An art­work by Han­nah Jick­ling and Helen Reed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Car­lo Allarde, Vic­to­ria Alstein, Stephen Buchanan, Nina Camar­go Ramos, Anna Choi, Matilde D’Onofrio, Sara Doutre, Les­ley Giblen, Basia Gilas, Jen­nifer Hen­der­son, Heather Hey­land, Ana Lucia McWatt, Shera Mekhail, Vic­to­ria Oli­jarnyk, Alex Scott, Michael Skiperis, Sara Ubbi and Stephanie Springgay.