On the evening of January 19th, The Pedagogical Impulse a, research-creation SSHRC funded study on the intersections between art education, art practice, and pedagogy, launched at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Drawing on the presentation form “Pecha Kucha” The Pedagogical Impulse Researchers and Artists-in-Residence presented fifteen, three minute “performance lectures” on a wide range of topics captured in the picture on the left. Those who attended were given a strict schedule with three minutes to listen to a lecture and three minutes to socialize between each presentation.
Performance lectures by Stephanie Springgay, Hannah Jickling, Helen Reed, Hazel Meyer, Rodrigo Hernandez-Gomez, Andrea Yeung, and Arden Hagedorn covered topics such as The Cinnamon Challenge, Happiness, Yarn Bombing, Artistic Hypertrophy, Pareidolia, Decentre, and Nerd Hierarchy. The lounge outside The Pedagogical Impulse Lab provided the stage for the launch audience to watch and participate as the researchers and artist-in-residence asked them to adjust while the screen, projector and chairs were moved to three different locations in lounge, allowing the presentators to use all the space available to them. Presenters were timed meticulously in order to keep their presentations to the three minute limit and though the three minute socilaizing time between presentations felt awkward initially, by the end of the launch the audience and presenters had much to discuss and had to be interrupted to start the final lectures. We would like to thank all those who came and participated in The Three Minute Launch.
The Pedagogical Impulse is a platform for research-creation concerned with contemporary art’s paradigmatic re-orientation towards the educational. The project will orient itself around a series of artist residencies that will take place across a number of educational sites (K‑12 classrooms, teacher education programs, graduate programs, and community spaces) in order to examine how artists are engaging with educational concepts as spaces for the development of new critical practices, and the potential transformative engagements that occur when such art practices are located in collaboration with schools.
The lead project space is housed at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, at the University of Toronto and will function as a creative laboratory, library, and archival space. Throughout the project the lab space will host discursive and performative events that will bring together artists, teachers, students, and the Toronto arts community.
Photos by Acme Art & Design