Image Resources

Helen Reed
Refer­ring to pre­vi­ous lessons-with­in-pre­vi­ous lessons, artists Helen Reed and Han­nah Jick­ling play off the
ref­er­en­tial lan­guage of art to cre­ate a crit­i­cal dia­logue between art and curriculum.

The gal­leries in this sec­tion ref­er­ence con­tem­po­rary art works relat­ed to the res­i­den­cies. Artists Helen Reid and Han­nah Jick­ling referred to their process of bring­ing art into con­ver­sa­tion with required class­room con­tent, like Canada’s trad­ing part­ners and icon­ic his­to­ry, as “Curat­ing the Cur­ricu­lum.” Through­out the res­i­den­cies, this cura­to­r­i­al process brought new lan­guage and con­nec­tions to lessons, ampli­fy­ing the ped­a­gog­i­cal poten­tial of art. These image archives extend this work and offer last­ing resources for teach­ers to draw from.